Cognitive / Perceptual Reconstruction: Applied Mindfulness
by James O. Henman. PHD
Since Feb 10, 2018 20:11 UTC
Cognitive / Perceptual Reconstruction: APPLIED MINDFULNESS Dr. Henman has spent the past 40+ years in full time practice as a Psychologist, counseling & educating in areas of self-esteem, addictions, relationship dysfunction, depression & anxiety. He is currently in full time practice with Psychological Associates in Modesto, CA as a Therapeutic LifeCoach, author, & lecturer. Dr. Henman developed Cognitive/Perceptual Reconstruction as a integrated Coaching approach to the treatment of Adult Children of Dysfunction in 1985. He wrote “Changing Attitudes In Recovery – A Handbook On Esteem” in 1990, & “Who’s REALLY Driving Your Bus?” in 2003. He has shared presentations over the years to help listeners learn how to approach the process of healthy change & build their own “Inner Coach”. His style of sharing combines humor & sensitive self-disclosure in a deep, thought provoking, impactful way. ~The Journey Series~ In “The Journey Series,” Dr. Henman uses examples from daily life to illustrate various aspects of recovery in a way that makes them come alive. Each presentation can be experienced over & over, gaining something new each time. Each presentation addresses specific issues common to most people wanting to explore recovery & gives useful tools to help in the recovery process. He shares his unique views on self-esteem & how to produce healthy change in these podcasts. ~The Grace Series~ In the Grace Series, Dr. Henman applies the Wisdom of Scripture to the process of making changes in our daily lives. He makes an important distinction between religion & relationship with God. Dr. Henman presents God’s no-fault plan for growth & healthy esteem, which allows us to relax into His loving Nature. Embracing God’s Plan of Grace makes change & growth the path of least resistance. He shares from his own personal relationship with his loving “Big Brother” Jesus & how this relationship affects his own personal recovery. Website:
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
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