No Tears Today
by Jessie Su
Since Dec 9, 2020 23:40 UTC
A weekly catch up about all the love, lust and life that happen in your 20 something. We bring more laugh than tears to you. Follow us here: Instagram: @notearstodaypodcast 20’s澳洲闖蕩的女子和朋友&自己的對話 你/妳會遇到的疑難雜症和八卦都在No Tears Today
Most of us deal with the occasional lazy, zero-motivation morning.
You know the feeling – you wake up knowing you have a bunch of stuff you need to get done, but you just can’t convince yourself to do any of it.
Today we are glad to have Chi, who is considered as one of my most positive and driven friends, to join this topic. As a graduated student in 20’s, you will have lots of unsureness about your life decision, and those concerns and fears might slowly make you lose the motivation to wake up and enjoy life…
I am not very sure how much you can related to this topic, but I hope you all find the way to get out after listening to our conversation!!
Categories: Arts, Education, Leisure
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