The Breathe Like A Badass Podcast
by Hannah Jane Thompson - Breathe Like A Badass - Inner Critic Coach
Since Feb 17, 2019 20:17 UTC
The podcast for anxious-yet-ambitious women who want to quieten their negative inner critic and beat overwhelm, comparison and fear, to get the calm, clarity, and focus they need to build happy, fulfilling, freedom-filled businesses and lives they love. I’m Hannah, your host – Inner Critic Coach, trained meditation teacher, E/INFP, and coffee, chocolate, and sunshine obsessive, living in SW London. I use down-to-earth, science-based meditation techniques to support women like you in creating the successful and fulfilling lives you deserve. Say hi, share + DM me on IG at @breathelikeabadass
Categories: Health & Fitness
Tags: badass, business, entrpreneur, fitness, happy, health, healthy, meditation, mentalhealth, mindfulness, networking, women
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