“Sync Up, a OneDrive podcast” and similar random podcasts
Sync Up is your one-stop shop for all things OneDrive. Join hosts, Stephen Rice and Arvind Mishra, as they shed light on how OneDrive connects you to all of your files in Microsoft and enables you to share and work together from anywhere, and any device! Hear from experts behind the design and development of OneDrive, as well as customers and Microsoft MVPs! Each episode will give you news and announcements, tips and best practices for your OneDrive experience, and some fun and humor!
Categories: News, Technology
Tags: a11y, ai, android, ankitakirti, Azure, bi, buildapps, cloud, cloudapps, cloudfirewall, cloudsecurity, cloudsolutions, coding, compliance, cto, dataprivacy, datasovereignty, datastructure, design, desktopdiet, dev, developer, DevTips, DiversityandInclusion, DX, ecm, endpoints, enduser, filesexperience, filesharing, groove, grooveclient, grooveexe, identityprotection, Ignite, informationarchitecture, intelligentintranet, interface, internetofthings, intranet, ios, IoT, IT, itmanagement, itpro, itprofessional, jasonmoore, jeffteper, M365, Machinelearning, macos, macosmojave, metatdata, microsoft, microsoft365, microsoft365business, microsoftflow, microsoftgraph, microsofthelps, microsoftignite, microsoftmvp, microsoftsearch, microsoftstream, microsoftsupport, microsoftteams, microsofttech, migrationtool, mobileapp, modernapps, modernworkplace, MSFT, MSignite, msignitethetour, mssharepoint, msteams, mtc, mvpsummit, nextgenerationsyncclient, nextgensyncclient, o365, od4b, odb, odfb, office2016, office2019, office365, office365dev, officeadmin, officeengineering, officeinsider, officeonline, OneDrive, onedrivebusiness, onedriveforbusiness, onedrivesyncclient, OneNote, onprem, onpremises, outlook, pc, planner, Podcast, powerapps, powerpoint, powershell, quickcharts, riskmanagement, roadmap, satyanadella, Security, securityandcompliance, securityengineer, securityexpert, sharepoint, sharepointadmin, sharepointconference, sharepointcustomization, sharepointframework, sharepointmigration, sharepointsecurity, sharepointserver2019, sharepointsites, siteclassification, sitedesign, software, softwareengineer, Sp, spfest, sptechcon, sqlserver, sync, syncclient, syncup, teams, teamsites, teamwork, tech, techadmin, TechAdvice, technews, technicalsolutionsprofessional, Technology, technologynews, techtalks, threatprotection, Transcript, ui, UIUX, userdata, UserExperience, userinterface, ux, virtualreality, VR, webdev, webdevelopment, webparts, webvr, windows, windows10, windowsinsider, workfolders, Yammer
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