Podcast at 20,000 Feet
Podcast by Podcast at 20,000 Feet
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But we did find some random podcasts for you!
Going Home-Home by GrubbyLittleHands
Categories: Society & Culture
The original business school exclusively for dentistis.
Categories: Business
Tags: dentists, leadership, Management, Motivation, profitability
“Famous Affinities of History” is a book of passion-filled accounts of the most famous love affairs of history. The stories of Cleopatra, Victor Hugo, Honore de Balzac, Jonathan Swift, Charles Dickens, Karl Marx, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Byron, George Sand and other famous people of all times (even those of royal blood are not spared), are dealt with in Lyndon Orr’s own interesting and suspenseful style. Written in four volumes, this book makes for an informative, interesting and thoroughly enjoyable read, giving us an insight into the lives and lifestyles of various popular figures of history. (Summary by Neeru Iyer)
Categories: Arts
Joe Hirsch hosts small conversations about big ideas that deserve more attention — in about the time to takes to enjoy a cup of coffee.
Categories: Business
Marvel movies, trash tv and video games. THIS IS WHAT WE DO!!! Listen to Amber and Garrett catch each other up on what media they’ve been ingesting, what hobbies they’re trying out and hold your breath as they both try to remember that actor’s name… you know the one, he was in that movie in the 80’s… or was it the 90’s?. So come along on this wonderful adventure…. called love?
Tags: Arts, Comedy, visual arts
A podcast from Drew Furgiuele and Paul Bahler
Categories: Society & Culture
Faith Talks Wood is a podcast about…well, faith and woodworking. We love Jesus and woodworking and love to talk about both. We will discuss everything from devotionals to dovetails.
Categories: Leisure, Religion & Spirituality
Listen to the How To Save Your Marriage Podcast, a Relationship Podcast Show with Nicola Beer full of Marriage Advice Tips To Have More Happiness, Overcome Afffairs, Cheating and Stop Divorce…
Thank you for listening please check out the links below to get more resources to help you and your relationships. As well as how to connect with Nicola more closely from her online courses, affair recovery gifts and masterclasses you can get the support you need by checking out the links below. From my heart to yours, thank you for being here x
===CONTACT NICOLA DIRECTLY === www.nicolabeer.com Email nb@nicolabeer.com
=== FREE EBOOK – 7 SECRETS TO FIX RELATIONSHIP RIFTS ===https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazIxMjBDVDM3SlRzTFE1aHowajZ1SHpael90QXxBQ3Jtc0tsZUJsYW0tZmxLRzZLRHMtelhxMGFpbVdrdHNPclhLTDdxMjVKb2VraFAxSFBEWERiWldnQ3ZNb21UN0xiSnJTa2tKcmtSdGpHMjZkS2ROR2E3QUdVczBpcWFNOS1ZYUJ0WFJBdWlJbmRXOVpDZVBDaw&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftraining.nicolabeer.com%2F7-secrets-marriage&v=y9JmCW6-1Lchttps://training.nicolabeer.com/7-secrets-marriage
=== FREE CONFIDENCE MEDITATION ===https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUI1V3ZQOFVraXYwcTNYeFlvQV9USG9obVIxd3xBQ3Jtc0ttdDRTZzAxZ2JLWGJFdThiTTRoNFpqdVFXdEhHaTJ6UnhDQUN0TUVmNUc5c2JZWjljbDRiYlNXS0thdXFSdGl1VldjQURkOHQ5ZnoweHV1ZUxLTmJaMGhrZmU1S3l0LTczTFJvTmhLM0FHRWdXYmhpUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftraining.nicolabeer.com%2Fself-confidence-meditation&v=y9JmCW6-1Lchttps://training.nicolabeer.com/self-confidence-meditation
=== JOIN THE RELATIONSHIP SUPPORT FACEBOOK GROUP === https://www.facebook.com/groups/marriagerelationshipadvice
===ONLINE RELATIONSHIP TRANSFORMATION COURSE ===https://training.nicolabeer.com/empowered-love-course
===COUPLES TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM===https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXlvcGE3Um1qNmtvbTFjQnhKd0hLNEt6dGZLZ3xBQ3Jtc0tucjJLZmtURzZRcTBvd1hCSWRHWDRvbmdRNnNlNTBpNFJXZG9lWXBmSGQtaWlqX1EzSDQyVDg5ejZwalJlVGc2UEZieFBSS0ZPdjBtZzd2UHZoUUQ3VGd1cXU4ZUEyb19aanpGenlBVFhDeDlUdnF3SQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftraining.nicolabeer.com%2Frelationship-program&v=y9JmCW6-1Lchttps://training.nicolabeer.com/relationship-program
====AFFAIR RECOVERY RESET METHOD === https://click.nicolabeer.com/trainingnicolabeercomaffair-recovery-coaching
==== HUSBAND OR WIFE CHEATED ON YOU = DOWNLOAD THIS FREE HELP GUIDE = https://training.nicolabeer.com/clarity
==== INDIVIDUAL BREAKTHROUGH PROGRAM – -ENHANCE YOUR LIFE AND CONFIDENCE QUICKLY ===https://training.nicolabeer.com/breakthrough-program
. === FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM===https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa21CckNXejRhWkdYTmJvTFA1QnN0bkIzVjBjZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttNFVhZFkzQkNud3BsdWt2Y3d0Y1NCMk1KNlJ4MlJCUWxoSzV6Y0JjNWR2Q0NZaTJWQlBtcmN4bzZlYlZvNDE5bzhPbWJ2T0VjX3hWNUVacXhEVzhtZ04xeVVrVnNlNkc4cUMwRGE3U2NTOW1aY0hsUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fnicolabeerofficial%2F&v=y9JmCW6-1Lc@nicolabeerofficial
QUESTIONS / CONTACT www.nicolabeer.com nb@nicolabeer.com === FACEBOOK GROUP
JOIN US IN A CARING CONNECTED COMMUNITY IN THE RELATIONSHIP FACEBOOK GROUP === https://www.facebook.com/groups/marriagerelationshipadvice
Categories: Health & Fitness
Tags: abuse, addiction. obsessive compulsive disorder, alcoholism, bi-polar, compulsive lying, couple therapy, Emotional Abuse, family counselling, family therapy, marriage problems, narcissism, ocd, physical abuse, relationship advice, relationship Counseling
A look into the lives of two middle aged ex-pat kiwi men who have made a good life for themselves in Australia, conversing over issues such as family, work, exercise, nutrition, rnb and hip hop, and the occasional flashback to their younger selves!
Categories: Kids & Family
Dealing with the ups and downs of being a wife and mother that has a 9-5
Categories: Kids & Family
The number of working women has increased significantly over the once many decades. No matter what’s the nature of a work, women bear clothes that make their work readily.
The latest podcast feed searching ‘Arminianism’ on SermonAudio.
Categories: Uncategorised
Dental Coaching, Marketing, and eLearning for Dental Practices
Categories: Business, Health & Fitness
here to companion and serve your soul on your healing journey. coinscious space to be within your experiance and Speak to it! Giving voice to your truth and unlocking your soul’s healing resources. Speak to it! Is the discovery that we are a thousand pieces with one heart and one voice. The medicine of speaking to it!
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
podcasts on e-learning, instructional design, teaching and designing effective online courses and programs, leadership in the e-learning organization. very queenly!
Categories: Education
Tags: and, Courses, design, designing, e, effective, In, instructional, leadership, learning, on, online, organization, Podcasts, programs, teaching, The
Each weekday morning we bring you the tech news you need today, and then in the afternoon we showcase stories about the technology, science, and culture that will influence tomorrow, all brought to you by Engadget.
Categories: News, Technology
Tags: SpokenLayer
Welcome to The Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone Podcast. This podcast is an informal dialogue between Andy Molinsky and respected thought leaders around the theme of Andy’s new book, Reach: A New Strategy to Help You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone, Rise to the Challenge and Build Confidence.
Categories: Business