InvestFourMore Real Estate Podcast
by InvestFourMore
Since Jun 2, 2016 18:48 UTC
Building long term wealth and passive income comes from being able to build and grow your portfolio of rental properties. Your ability to use OPM or Other People’s Money will provide you to scale your investments and grow your wealth faster. Whether you use banks, equity, hard money, or private money, you need to know how and when to access capital. The OPM Mastery Podcast is hosted by Mark Ferguson, a successful real estate agent and investor. Mark owns 16 rentals, flips 10 to 15 homes a year, and runs a real estate sales team of ten. Mark has been featured on the Washington Post, Time, Yahoo, Zillow,, Huffington Post, and many more major media outlets. Mark has written multiple best-selling paperback and Kindle books and loves hearing from his listeners and readers.
Categories: Business
Tags: Coaching, entrepreneur, fixandflipping, housing, interview, investing, RealEstate, realestateagent, realestatebroker, realestateinvesting, RealEstateTeam, rentalproperties, Retirement, success
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