Kollel Iyun Halacha
Kolle Iyun Halacha is the dynamic new Lakewood based learning program for Balley-Battim, Sunday-Thursday from 11am – 1pm, featuring daily […]
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Life has its own turning points, never ending race from the day we were born. God has created us in his image, given us the beautiful fruitful gift of ” Free Will “. So the question we should ask ourselves from there is that if we are created in his image and do we actually love ourselves like he does?? . Hold your thought there …….. take a deep breath and feel how must it feel to endure the presence of that pure love can heal you in all the way to see the best version of having the “FAITH” in you. So if you want to find that beautiful journey of finding yourself with faith join me.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality