Everyday God Conversations
The God of the Bible is a talking God. All throughout the Scriptures, God is seen talking to people. First to the prophets, then most fully in Jesus and today through his Holy Spirit. When we choose to follow Jesus, the Spirit speaks to remind us of all that Jesus established and apply it to our lives.
So how does the Spirit speak? How do we know it’s God? And what happens afterwards? Join Rev Dr Tania Harris as she explores what the Spirit is saying to us. Everyday God Conversations will encourage you weekly to reflect on the God-conversations of Scripture, the ultimate God-conversation in Jesus and to hear from the Holy Spirit yourself. Remember, it was never meant to be a one-way conversation!
Listen to more from our Hope Podcasts collection at hopepodcasts.com.au. And send the team a message via Hope 103.2’s app, Facebook or Instagram.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality