iCreateDaily Podcast
by iCreateDaily Podcast
Since Sep 6, 2018 13:30 UTC
iCreateDaily is a video podcast for artists in every genre of creating, from musicians to writers, crafters to inventors, bloggers to entrepreneurs… If you are into creating anything, this is for you. iCreateDaily is about creating, committing, connecting and contributing. We started the iCreateDaily brand to encourage creatives to do the work that matters to you, and to support you in that through inspiration, education, resources, encouragement, and community. The world needs your creativity now more than ever, and today, there are more opportunities for creatives to bring your work into the world than ever before. Best Selling Author and Visionary LeaderWow! I loved this visit with Dr. Benjamin Hardy an organizational psychologist and bestselling author of Willpower Doesn’t Work and a new book titled Personality Isn’t Permanent. Benjamin’s articles are amongst my favorites. If you follow this podcast and also our articles on iCreateDaily, you’ll likely get the connection to our core message of creating the life you want to live and Personality Isn’t Permanent. Ben’s blog has been read by over 100 million people and featured on Forbes, Fortune, CNBC, Cheddar, Big Think, and many others. You can find those relevant links in the show notes at page end. More About Benjamin HardyBenjamin is a regular contributor to Inc. and Psychology Today, and for 3 years running, he was the #1 writer, in the world, on Medium.com. You will want to join his over 400k email subscribers because his articles are profoundly insightful. In fact, I see Benjamin as a modern day stoic philosopher and visionary leader. Benjamin lives in Orlando, Florida, with his family. And speaking of family, Benjamin and his wife Lauren adopted three children in February 2018 after years of fighting the foster system in order to be able to. Then one month later, guess what happened? Yep… Lauren became pregnant with twins, who were born in December of 2018. So within one year, they had 5 children! I’m delighted to get to speak to one of my online virtual heroes and mentors, and in particular to talk about his epic new book (as well as book launch tips for you authors and creators). https://www.amazon.com/Personality-Isnt-Permanent-Self-Limiting-Beliefs-ebook/dp/B07N5H5C4N/ref=as_li_ss_tl?dchild=1&keywords=Personality+Isn%E2%80%99t+Permanent,+Break+Free+from+Self-Limiting+Beliefs+and+Rewrite+Your+Story&qid=1592229242&sr=8-1&linkCode=ll1&tag=icd-p-20&linkId=ea3ec25bf80e887881734590e7e91e15&language=en_US (Personality Isn’t Permanent, Break Free from Self-Limiting Beliefs and Rewrite Your Story, by Benjamin Hardy, PhD) Once you set an identity of the future self you want to be, you set a goal to create that identity. ~https://benjaminhardy.com/ (Benjamin Hardy), organizational psychologist, https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=as_li_ss_tl?i=digital-text&rh=p_27:Benjamin+Hardy&s=relevancerank&text=Benjamin+Hardy&ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_1&linkCode=ll2&tag=icd-p-20&linkId=e69ba9b589c788f21bd866b60e625244&language=en_US (author, philosopher) https://icreatedailypodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Benjamin-Hardy-future-self.jpg () https://www.icreatedaily.com/benjamin-hardy-quotes/ (Find more Benjamin Hardy Quotes on iCreateDaily.com. ) Tune into this elevating “Personality Isn’t Permanent” with Benjamin HardyYou’ll learn about: How to create your future self Deliberate practice Set goals The few big things that took Benjamin from no email list to now, over 400k subscribers What is a Landing Page and why it makes a difference in growing your brand An alternative view to Benjamin’s Personality Isn’t Permanent book thesis offered by Ben himself What trauma does to growth and development of the personality The problem with personality tests The essentiality of creating your future self How your goals create your personality rather than vice versa Benjamin’s success habits Ben’s future self https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dvWIyLrljI Show Links & Notes:https://benjaminhardy88-gmail-com.ck.page/cfb71d6ac8 (Free chapter of Personality Isn’t Permanent) https://benjaminhardy.com/ (Benjamin’s Blog) https://www.icreatedaily.com/when-the-going-gets-tough/ (When the Going Get Tough) -we’ve featured Benjamin’s TEDx in this article…
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