“Evangelist Buster Seaton Podcast” and similar random podcasts
Evangelist Buster Seaton was born on December 13, 1951 in the Knoxville, Tennessee area. He was born again in 1976 at age 24 in his mother’s kitchen, that same night surrendered to preach, preached his first sermon the following Wednesday, and then preached a Revival Meeting the next week. He was a man of prayer and Bible study, he was also a friend to many pastors all around the country. Bro. Buster preached all over the U.S. in revivals and campmeetings. Despite his popularity and demanding schedule, he suffered for years with many health problems and chemical imbalances. He left this world to be with the Saviour he loved on June 27, 2002. But the legacy of his evangelistic ministry is still impacting lives nearly two decades after his death.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
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