Daf Hayomi with R’ Menachem Tendler
Learn the daily Daf, Parsha, Mussar, and Halacha with Rabbi Menachem Tendler and participants of U. City Shul
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Welcome to the “Excuse Me Your Geek is Showing” podcast, a bi weekly show where I cover the topics of the body, mind, and spirit. I’m a huge fan of these three things but I’m also a nerd loving things from V.R., anime, comics, writing, books, and video games. Be prepared to experience the topics of physical health, perception, and spirituality. While looking through the lens of humor, profanity, and challenging prospectives. Who am I? I’m just a dude with a podcast cast trying to make sense of the world. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/excusemeyourgeekisshowing/support
Categories: Religion & Spirituality