CRC – Pastor At Boshoff
Pastor At Boshoff is the founder and Senior Pastor of CRC. Through his dynamic leadership and passionate, relevant and unapologetic […]
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The Gospel T.E.A. is where we spill all the T.E.A. that’s in God’s word. It is a devotional to inspire us to draw closer to God and grow in our relationship with Him. I am not a theologian but one sister sharing with you what the word means to me and how I will be changed after my encounter with God’s word. The T in Gospel T.E.A. stands for THE WORD of GOD. The E is the explanation and the A is the application. Since we live in a tweetable world, each gospel T.E.A. will end with a tweet. So, if you forget everything, I said remember THE WORD and the tweet.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality