Fresh Bread: Your Kingdom Come (1-18) – by Raymond McCullough
Satellite radio series based on bible prophecy books by Raymond McCullough:
Oh What Rapture!
Is a ‘secret rapture’ going to spare believers from the tribulation to come?
The Whore and her Mother
9/11, Babylon and the Return of the King
by Raymond McCullough
My background is in lecturing, publishing and radio/TV – but previously I ran a construction business. I still love to know how things are put together – buildings, origins of words, phrases – so I have used a similar approach in exploring, what I believe to be, an extremely important and relevant topic.
Written and produced by Raymond McCullough:
Precious Oil Productions Ltd,
for Kingdom Come Trust
[itunes pic]
Fourth in the new series (3) of Fresh Bread: Your Kingdom Come (OWR 6)
– based on the book, Oh What Rapture by Raymond McCullough
Raymond reads:
Chapter 6 – At any moment?
with music from:
Kaedmon (California, USA) ‘My Love’ (My Love)
King Boru (Northern Ireland, UK) ‘Oro Sé do bheatha abhaile (Oh Welcome Home)’ (Anam Cara)
Donna Hughes (Florida, USA) ‘God Don’t Make Mistakes’ (From the Heart)
Low Country Boys (Northern Ireland, UK) ‘Scotland’ (Gran Time Comin)
Heidi Jane (California, USA) ‘Lullaby’ (A Thousand Reasons Why)
Produced by Precious Oil Productions Ltd for Kingdom Come Trust
Categories: Religion & Spirituality