“Journey to Our Past” and similar random podcasts
Beginning in 2017, Eshel Publications has been honored to host a summer trip through Jewish History. The trip is led by Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky, who speaks at each stop, and brings the world of our past to life in the very places where it happened.
Eshel Publications is proud to present to you the recordings from these trips. You’ll feel like you were there as you hear Rav Aaron speaking at ancient shul, great yeshivos, holy kevarim, musuems, and monuments. Learn about the places where our ancestors lived and the places where they died.
And of course, visit https://www.eshelpublications.com/trips.html to join our upcoming trips and get the full experience!
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: Eshel, Europe Trip, History, Holocaust, Journey to Our Past, Litta, Lopiansky, Polish Jewry, torah, torahcast, torahcasts, Yeshiva
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