There She Went
by Imah | There She Went
Since Apr 11, 2020 12:30 UTC
There She Went was created by women for women. This is a safe space for women to connect, share their stories, and help encourage other women to live out their greatness. I want to take a moment and introduce myself. I’m a life coach, wife to an amazing woman, ex-wife of a man whom I was married to for 15 years, mother, friend, employee, small business owner, believer of Christ, lifelong learner, and inspirational junkie. (I dare you to figure all of that out!) My drug of choice is listening to people’s struggles and helping them find solutions for those struggles; hence, the reason for this page and this space. My goal with all of this is to help people think through common issues we all face and help all of us find workable solutions to those issues. My main methodologies will be sharing stories about my own experiences, venting over the mic about my lived truths, and discovering and unpacking the multitude of lies that may have helped or hurt me in the past. By no means am I saying I have it all right or that I have all the answers. Hopefully, you won’t walk away from this space thinking that I am presenting myself as some know-it-all, Ms. Fix It of Everything. Prayerfully, you will find a safe space to laugh, cry, bemoan, and possibly shriek in horror at my willingness and openness to be judged for the sake of “helping” other people. What I am saying is the answers we seek are out there and, together, we can achieve our wildest dreams if we have the courage to do so. You Can Call Me Imah (pronounced eeeee-muh) 🙂
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
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