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Dawna Markova, Ph.D. is the CEO emeritus of Professional Thinking Partners. She’s known Internationally for her research in the fields of learning and perception. She’s a former senior affiliate of the Society for Organizational Learning, originated at MIT’s Sloan School of Management. Angie McArthur is the CEO of Professional Thinking Partners and co-founder of SmartWired and the Smart Parenting Revolution. As an expert in communication and learning styles, she has developed strategies for authors, corporations, CEOs, and the ongoing Executive Champions’ Workshop.
Tags: Dawna Markova, Angie McArthur, collaboration, CQ, collaboration intelligence, intelligence, mindset, market share mindset, mind share mindset, Ubur, Air B&B, diversity, thinking, intellectual passport, Smart Spark, teaching children, cooperation, compromise, competition, brain, confusion, Business, Personal Transformation, Work, Livelihood, Social Change, Politics, Education, Parenting
Categories: Society & Culture