“R.O.S.E.” and similar random podcasts
The D.aily R.eflection & P.rayer C.ircle is held in the UNIVERSAL ILLUMINATION SANCTUARY’s Grotto Chapel every day at 1pmPT | 2pmMT | 3pmCT | 4pmET | -6:00GMT. A new prayer-Invocation is written each week or month depending upon circumstances. Join us at: http://r-o-s-e.org/Universal-Illumination-Sanctuary [itunes pic]
Universal Illumination Sanctuary
Grotto Chapel ~ D.aily R.eflection & P.rayer C.ircle
June-July 2011 | © Noreen Jameson 2011
Blessed Godde, your children, whom you have
brought together, at this time, for this time,
are gathered to shine your Light and Love.
Turbulent weather and disasters have our hearts
with our human and animal brethren as we
pray for their safety, protection, healing
and restoration.
Political turmoil is seemingly prevalent in these
times… we understand the necessity of freedom,
and are grateful for those who defend it, but we
pray for world peace.
As we reflect upon the needs and requests of
those who are ill, suffering, in pain, in poverty…
we claim healing, joy, wellness and prosperity.
May all realize that miracles occur, and may
our example of many paths, many faiths –
gathering as One – facilitate a world-wide spirit
of gratitude and thankfulness with full release
of all negativity.
Amen.. And so it is… So mote it be… Blessed Be.
(narrated by Noreen Jameson)
1pmPT | 2pmMT | 3pmCT | 4pmET ~ 7/365
“Prayer is the key of the morning
and the bolt of the evening.”
— Mahatma Gandhi
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: Contemplation, godde, grotto-chapel, Intercession, invocation, meditation, prayer, reflection, Religion & Spirituality, spirituality
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