“Raising Your Vibration with Lisa Gawlas” and similar random podcasts
My Mission: To help all those who wish to explore, to understand, to embrace and to fully utilize the power and wonder of their Spiritual Self within the human framework of life. We are capable of doing so much more than we have ever realized…. every single one of us (not just a gifted few)! This is such an exciting time to be alive and aware on planet earth! Step into the power of who you were created to Be! [itunes pic]
In the ego’s original design, it created that sense of fear, or “fight or flight” feeling within us ONLY to protect us. Us being the incarnate spiritual Being. It is also designed perfectly to know matter. To know how to work with the energies we call matter. In it’s original state, when the heart (which is your soul) has a prompting, it is the ego that know how to make it manifest.
You can also look at it like this, the heart is the magnetic field of attraction, the mind/ego is the fuel that charges up and runs your magnetic field. In order to run in high efficiency, you much use the correct fuel. The new or original ego is high test, the old ego is diesel. Now remember you are the alchemist of your life. Only you can change the fuel that drives your life.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: 2011, ascension, Christ, consciousness, DNA, higher, Lightwork, meditation, shift, spiritual, teacher, The, Unity, Vibration
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