The Nonmicrowaved Truth With C.L. Whiteside
How fast do you have to have “IT”? Our culture tells us to find a microwave to speed up the […]
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The Local Dive is a podcast about the deep and shallow musings about Christ, the Church, and Culture. The podcast is hosted by Dean Inserra, Ashlyn Portero, and Alex Scott focused on leading in the local church, and living life engaged in our city. We take some deep dives into theology, ministry, Christianity, and culture, while also spending time wading around in the shallow end sharing our thoughts on the slightly more trivial things in life. Make sure to subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts, share, and leave a review!
Categories: Religion & Spirituality, Society & Culture
Tags: Christ, churchleadership, CityChurch, citychurchtallahassee, Culture, deaninserra, Jesus, Tallahassee, thechurch, thelocaldive