Healing The Spirit: Astrology, Archetypes & Artmaking
Healing the Spirit is a space where we awaken our creativity, deepen our connections, and remember who we are. I’m […]
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Circle around the Cauldron with Intuitive Oracle, Jami Hearn. Where we will explore the entertaining, evocative, and enlightening connections with spirit. Endeavoring to normalize the inner knowing that your soul has experienced for millennia, Jami engages in conversations with Witches, Shamans, Healers, Psychics, Mediums, and many more who are bravely sharing their power with sisters around the world. We will also offer a fascinating insight into what conversations with dead people really look like. It’s totally not what most people think. Sometimes hilarious, sometimes macabre, always informative. www.jamihearn.com
Categories: Religion & Spirituality