Patron Driven
by Choice. Hurricane Harvey drowned the city of Houston under 51 inches of rain. Forty-two of those inches flooded the Lone Star College - Kingwood library. This is the story of their two-year odyssey to rebuild.
Since May 26, 2020 15:33 UTC
Crowd-sourced library stories where the personal and professional meet. Season One: The Heart of the Campus Hurricane Harvey drowned the city of Houston under 51 inches of rain. Forty-two of those inches flowed down the San Jacinto river on Tuesday, August 29, 2017, flooding the Lone Star College – Kingwood library. The flooding impacted six of the campus’s nine buildings, but hit the library hardest, destroying everything on the first floor. This season tells the story of that flood and the library’s recovery through the experiences of four library workers. It follows them through the hurricane’s slow windup and stall over Houston, details the flooding, and informs listeners about what it takes to build something extraordinary out of the wreckage. Along the way, four library staff go from being colleagues to survivors to dreamers to family. It’s an epic journey covering more than two years, and it’s not over yet.
Categories: Society & Culture
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