The 66 Podcast
A podcast for students of God’s Word. Our podcast is designed to survey the 66 books of the Bible through a three-step study: 1.Read. First, we read the text and provide a basic outline of the material. 2. Think. Next, we dig a little bit deeper into some key aspects of the passage (i.e. key words/phrases, the historical/cultural/Biblical context, theological implications, etc.) 3. Apply. In the final section of the podcast, we discuss how the Scriptures apply to the Christian life today.
The 66 Podcast is a part of the ministries of the Ashville Road Church of Christ in Leeds, AL. Drew Kizer has been the minister at the Ashville Road Church of Christ since 2000. He is the author of several books, including The Cast of the Cross (available online at Amazon or Barnes & Noble).
Andrew Kingsley has been the youth and family minister at Ashville Road since 2012. Andrew graduated from Faulkner University with a BA in Biblical Languages and is currently pursuing his MA in New Testament. For more info on Ashville Road, Drew, or Andrew check out
Categories: Religion & Spirituality