Space friends
We are mainly talking about The newest things that are happening in space. And we talk about new ideas for spacecraft. And talk about new upgrades two spacecraft
Categories: Kids & Family
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But we did find some random podcasts for you!
We are mainly talking about The newest things that are happening in space. And we talk about new ideas for spacecraft. And talk about new upgrades two spacecraft
Categories: Kids & Family
In the Appalachia region of the U.S., a region once dominated by the coal industry, mines have continued to close one after another. In answer, two tech consultants have established a free coding bootcamp called Mined Minds to retrain out of work coal miners and others for work in tech. What they promise seems like it could improve the socioeconomic status of communities around the world. But some believe they aren’t as beneficial as they come off. Several ex-learners have criticized the bootcamp, saying they were promised employment upon completion of the program and were fired days later. Others have filed a class action lawsuit against them on charges of fraud. Code Burst investigates Mined Minds, their efficacy, and whether their model can work for others. Code Burst is produced as a collaboration between CKUT 90.3 FM and eLearning Inside News.
Categories: Technology
Dr. Zuhdi Jasser is a former US Navy Lieutenant Commander, a conservative, a patriot, a physician, and an American Muslim. A frequent television commentator on Blaze TV, Fox News Channel, CNN and MSNBC, he is also a co-founder of the Muslim Reform Movement. In this first of its kind podcast, Dr Jasser holds no punches as he breaches the many fault lines of the day between the West and Islamic communities. If you are looking for hope and have asked where are the courageous voices of pro-American Muslims, take a listen to Reform This!
Categories: History, Religion & Spirituality, Society & Culture
Join Remy and Akash on their weekly discussions on how we use time, and how to make the most of the time we have. #WTTGPod
Categories: Education
In this podcast we reference the time in which God delivers his people, Israel, from bondage in Egypt. During the last great plague that fell upon Egypt, God’s people kept the Feast of the Passover. The events and people during this time, are not mere moments in history, but hold great spiritual significance to us today and in the future. For this podcast, we introduce key symbols of Passover, depicting each symbol’s meaning and why it is relevant to our lives.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: Blood, Christ, doorpost, Egypt, Israel, leavening, moses, Passover, shoes, staffs, unleavened_bread
Classic stories of mystery and suspense from some of the greatest authors of all time, adapted here for the Theatre of Imagination.
Encouraging Messages to Strengthen Christians in the Secular Workplace Join Dr. Wendy Flint as you learn how to navigate your Biblical values in daily leadership decisions. God never intended for us to keep our faith separate from our daily employment. Interested in following along with a physical devotional copy? Click the link provided in each episode’s show notes to purchase the book “Can God Come to Work with Me?” To learn more about Dr. Wendy Flint visit her website:
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
3 Guys and the Mouse is 3 brothers who love Disney Parks, films, Marvel, Star Wars, and Disney Pixar and love to talk about it. They are self proclaimed “Disneylanders” as they are annual passholders and proud of it. Join them as they give their opinion of things that are done well and that maybe don’t meet the standard that Disney should live up to.
Categories: Society & Culture
Inspirational, Moving, Insightful- Conversations with God.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Pastor Derek Allen and his wife, Lindsay, discuss what it means to live The Christ Centered Life–a life where Jesus is at the center of everything.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Simple daily reminders and conversations about life, learning, and listening on a variety of topics on how to live a FREE and JOYFUL life by the Slayer of Sadness and the Stormer of Brains. This is an edifying conversation. Join in!
Categories: Health & Fitness, Religion & Spirituality, Society & Culture
We discuss the Syfy TV show Wynonna Earp. We’ll do podcasts covering each episode of the show along with other special content from time to time. Find us at and discuss the show with us and other fans in the Wynonna Earp Fans Facebook group at
Categories: TV & Film
I thank Hashem that I have been privileged.
I had the privilege to learn from two of the Gedolim who are no longer with us – Rav Shlomo Wolbe zatzal and Rav Moshe Shapira zatzal.
I was privileged to learn from the walking Mussar sefer Rav Wolbe was and hear the teachings and observe the embodiment of the gadlus haodom- the greatness of Man.
I was privileged to learn from the limitless wisdom of Rav Moshe Shapira and observe the dignity and depth which, to me, defined the gadlus haTorah – the greatness of Torah.
In the years since their respective passings, I have been privileged to teach a semblance of their Torah as the Rov of Kahal Beis Tefilla in Ramat Eshkol, as the Rosh Chabura of the Jerusalem Kollel and as a mashgiach in Beis Medrash leTorah of Yerushalayim.
Although I can not do justice to the beauty and clarity of the original, I hope I have been able to transmit an inkling of the magnificence of the Torah that they beheld and bequeathed to their talmidim.
There is a thirst in the world today for genuine Emunah, a yearning to discover Yiras Shamayim and a ever growing number of serious lomdei Torah looking to relish the taste of the depth of machshava.
When requests for the shiurim started coming from beyond the walls of our beis medrash, from former talmidim and friends, I thanked Hashem for the opportunity to disseminate Torah and Emunah to a wider audience.
On this site you will find the shiurim on Navi, Kuzari, Mesilas Yeshorim, Nefesh Hachayim, chinuch, parshas hashavua, practical halacha and topics in machshava. There is also a series how to develop skills to learn better.
It is my tefilla that this should be a medium to increase Torah study and hasten the day where the entire world will be filled with the knowledge of Hashem.
Feel free to contact me at
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
An insanely enjoyable Bitcoin podcast with a strong focus on liberty. Every Thursday, we chat about how Bitcoin sets the world free and share the latest cryptocurrency news and general Bitcoin talk.
Guests have included:
– Mastering Bitcoin author Andreas Antonopoulos
– CLO Jeffrey Tucker
– editor Angela Keaton
– Bitcoin/liberty activist Michele Seven
– Jason King from Sean’s Outpost Homeless Outreach
– Drew Phillips from Bitcoin Not Bombs
– Numerous other Bitcoin-loving founders, CEOs, and activists
We also occasionally broadcast a LIVE Bitcoin news/opinion show. Tune in now and see what the craze is all about!
Categories: Technology
“New Nashvillian” Alex Steed uses being a total outsider as an excuse to get to know the city better by talking with the folks who live, work, agitate and make art here.
Categories: Arts, History, Society & Culture
Megan Mehta and Alexis Bondarenko are teen friends from the Bay Area who have brutally honest conversations about uncomfortable or controversial topics that most presume are too complicated for teenagers to comprehend. Their goal is to provide insight into teens’ philosophical outlook, notably their definition of living a fulfilling life. They hope their podcast outlines the process of how teens transform into mature adults. Visit our website:
Categories: Society & Culture
Continuous change and renewed challenges. Opportunity and uncertainty. As the arts and culture field navigates through shifting times, one thing is certain–nothing is. MCA on the ARTS is a series of conversations with today’s cultural leaders hosted by Management Consultants for the Arts (MCA). MCA has helped organizations of all sizes and disciplines throughout the United States successfully deal with complex issues for nearly four decades.
Categories: Arts
Tags: Arts, Culture, dance, museums, opera, performingarts, theater, theatre, VisualArts
No Regrets Radio is here to bring knowledge to everyone! Fresh ideas, real experiences, interactive learning!
Categories: Business
Listen in as we talk about life, relationships, creativity, insecurities, struggles, and what it takes to get our minds right. When we take the time to sit down and get to know each other, we quickly realize one thing: we’re all human. Hosted by Courtney Diamond. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @courtneydiamond. Read the blog:
Categories: Health & Fitness, Society & Culture
Tags: artists, creativity, interview, life, relationships, selfhelp
Honest conversations about personal finance topics
Categories: Arts