Artists w/ EM
A podcast to get down to basics with every type of Artist. Definition of “artist” for this show is anyone who creates or shares an experience or creative product. We discuss intersectionality, queer topics, mental health, and the process of creating. Guests range from clowns, filmmakers, musicians, writers, etc. Hosted by Em Persico who is a clown, singer-songwriter, and filmmaker. They use (they/them) pronouns, they are non-binary, and identify under the queer unbrella. Please enjoy!
Categories: Arts, Education, Health & Fitness
Tags: actor, artists, autism, baking, clown, community, cooking, crafts, creating, creative, creative projects, cultural environment, dyslexia, filmmaker, Fine art, folk music, gardening, gender, gender dysphoria, goals, hobbies, house plants, industry pressure, latin music, learning, learning difficulties, lgbtq, mental-health, music producing, musical instruments, musician, non-binary, oil paint, Paint, painting, Performer, pressure, queer, scientist, singing, song writing, success, toxic communities, Writer