The Bookshelf Battle Cast
Bookshelf Q. Battler is a world renowned poindexter, an epic nerdventurer, a reviewer of pop cultural happenings, and a champion yeti fighter. His blog, located at, is a record of his musings, rants, raves, and his adventures as he attempts to save the world and self-publish his books. He’s not doing so great on the former but he’s plugging away pretty steadily on the latter. BQB is a better writer than he is a public speaker, so please excuse his mush mouth vocal skills. While our intrepid nerd’s blog can get wild, the Bookshelf Battle Cast will be reserved for laid back readings of public domain fiction. That’s right, if an author kicked the bucket, bought the farm, or otherwise croaked many, many years ago, chances are BQB will be reading at least one of the late scribe’s masterpieces on this podcast at some point. And most likely, BQB will be reading the work poorly but hey, checking this podcast will be like finding your own treasure trove of classic audiobooks…as read by a man who needs a lozenge, maybe some honey tea, a better attention span and above all else, a voice coach. BQB really needs a voice coach.
Categories: Society & Culture