Take what you like and leave the rest
Join my on my journey to recovery. I’ve spent a majority of my life catering to others (Primarily women), scared […]
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What goes on in a single guys mind each and everyday (is it indeed WORK, BREASTS, SPORTS, BEER, MORE BREASTS & MORE FOOD ?), at events, social gatherings, The essential everyday Trials and Tribulations of a SINGLE GUY. Spontaneous everyday happenings, Rockstar Listeners & Viewers listen in on interviews and special guests appearances from MEN & WOMEN, The POSITIVE of NOT being in that dreadful “R” word, THE NOT SO POSITIVE ? is it when you are in one, you want to get out..and when you are NOT you want in ? Facebook.com/zazzradio Instagram: zazz radio Facebook.com/TheDayandLifeOFaSingleGuy
Categories: Society & Culture