Wild Ideas Worth Living Presented by REI
High-impact interviews for those who love adventure and the outdoors. Host and journalist Shelby Stanger interviews world-class explorers, athletes, authors, […]
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It can be hard to navigate adulting, dodge millennial misconceptions, and fight the urge to knock shit over, all while maintaining a positive attitude and outlook on life. Every other Friday, join Moni J. and her co-host Kontroversy Kam, as they interview guests, cut up, and discuss melanin-coated matters and a plethora of topics. It’s the official kickback to kick off the weekend so you might as well pull up and indulge in the fuckery. #JudgeFreeZone #SideEyeIncluded #TheMoniJProject @themonijproject (IG/Twitter/Facebook)
Categories: Society & Culture