Go Through So You Can Get Through
by Alandra Craig
Since Jan 16, 2020 16:14 UTC
Trust your Struggle has been changed to go through so you can get through… Had to change because the title trust your struggle already exists… Go through so you can get through and never give up. Everything happens for a reason and all things have a purpose. When life gets hard we must understand that in order to get to the next step we must trust our struggle. No matter what goes wrong there is always some good in it even if you don’t see it immediately…
Have you ever gone through a struggle and was not sure why and maybe years later you had to help someone else through a very similar situation. It’s hard to help someone if you’ve never gone through it. That’s why some of our struggles are not only for our benefit but to allow us to be a blessing to others.
This podcast is all about inspiration, motivation, and understanding how we can find a blessing in all we endure in life but we must never give up and trust our struggle. Remember two things. This too shall pass! P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens)
Categories: Education
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