Book of Az-Zakaah-‘Umdah Al-Ahkaam
by Al-Kuttaab As-Salafy
Since Nov 14, 2022 19:25 UTC
Clarifying the Islamic Rulings and Detailed Prescribed Laws related to the Third Pillar from the Five Great Pillars of Al-Islaam, the Pillar of Az-Zakaah.
The mandatory charity of Az-Zakaah is an obligation upon those who are wealthy to be given to the poor and destitute. It is a small amount of wealth taken from a large amount that does not harm the wealthy yet is beneficial for the needy specifically and the entire society in general.
Az-Zakaah and the detailed rulings are from the Beautiful All Encompassing Legislation of Allah the Most High.
May Allah purify our hearts and our wealth and accept our efforts.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
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