Where The F Is My Village
If you’re a parent raising a Tricky Kid, and you know who you are, your home life is likely a dumpster fire. And when it feels like it’s only your house that’s a dumpster fire, who can you even talk to about it? Where the F is My Village is a podcast for people raising Tricky Kids. If you are looking for your people, you have found them. So come join us, so you can feel supported and also laugh at the craziness that comes with raising these special tricky children.Your Tricky Kid may have a diagnosis like ADHD, Anxiety, Reactive Attachment Disorder, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder, a learning disability, or any number of other struggles. These Tricky Kids need vigilant caregivers who advocate for them in school, at the doctor, and everywhere else. Who can these caregivers talk to when life gets to be too much? Who will believe the crazy, and often hilarious, things that happen in their homes? Us.
Categories: Education, Health & Fitness, Kids & Family
Tags: 504 Plan, ADHD, adoption, anxiety, fostering, iep, Kids, mental-health, odd, parenting, PTSD, rad