13 Letters
“Accessibility” is more than just a setting on your phone or something you do to help the disabled – it’s the reason we have talking devices, voice recognition and sidewalk ramps. We couldn’t have an inclusive, diverse society without accessibility specialists working behind the scenes to make sure products and services work for everyone. 13 Letters features some of the world’s leading accessibility minds, talking about what they do and how accessibility affects billions of people every day.
Access to television is in many ways still evolving, and as one of the leading TV, phone and internet providers in the United States, Spectrum is thinking beyond closed captions and large-button remotes to innovate across different channels. Their large accessibility team, headed by designers and incorporating people with disabilities to ensure that all products are optimized for all customers, is one of a kind in the industry. And with the recent release of apps such as Spectrum Access and Spectrum News, they’ve taken huge steps forward in inclusion for people with many different abilities and proficiencies. We sat down with Senior Outreach Manager for Accessibility, Petr Kucheryavy, to learn more about how got into accessibility and what Spectrum is doing different.
Categories: Business, Technology
Tags: 508, a11y, accessibility, ada, blindness, compliance, disability, selfwork, SEO, Technology, volunteering, WCAG