by Funerals614
Since Jan 26, 2020 04:00 UTC
Funerals614 is a podcast hosted by Lori Diaz, The Funeral Chic, whose simple goal is to share the FUN in Funerals (Factual, Useful and Noteworthy Information). This podcast will showcase others who share a passion about the funeral industry, who come together to share lessons learned and best practices. In addition, you will hear stories from Industry professionals, families, and others who have a connection to funeral service. Having served in the Funeral Industry since 2007 and having a fiery passion for serving people, this podcast platform will allow space to share the knowledge and the tools learned along the way. Contact The Funeral Chic at 614-427-1234 . This podcast is an outreach of AFFINITY MEMORIAL CHAPEL
Categories: Education, Society & Culture
Tags: 614, affinity, affinity memorial chapel, bereavement, columbus, death, Funerals, funerals614, grief, ohio
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