The Lindisfarne Tapes
On a rocky outcropping off the northeastern coast of England, the monastery of Lindisfarne once stood as an outpost of religious, philosophic, and intellectual study against the “dark” times of early medieval Europe. Inspired by the foresight and dogged determination of these medieval monks, William Irwin Thompson founded the Lindisfarne Association in 1972 to gather together bold scientists, scholars, artists, and contemplatives to realize a new planetary culture in the face of the political, cultural, and environmental crises of the twentieth century. Brought to you by the Schumacher Center for a New Economics, The Lindisfarne Tapes podcast represents some of the most visionary thinking of the time, drawing connections between culture, economics, society, and technology. While the germs of new ideas contained in these tapes are now beginning to take root, they remain an invaluable source of speculative thinking that will continue to inspire our visions of a more just and regenerative future.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality, Science, Society & Culture
Tags: 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, activism, alternative community, alternative science, alternative thinking, amory lovins, Anarchism, Anarchist, appropriate technology, architecture, art, back to the land, buckminster fuller, buddhist spirituality, climate change, climate crisis, commons, conscious evolution, consciousness, Cosmology, cosomological, Culture, Cybernetics, decentralism, Decentralization, deep ecologist, deep ecology, development, e.f. schumacher, eastern religion, eco politics, ecological crisis, ecology, economics, ecopolitics, ecosocialism, elise boulding, environment, environmental activism, environmental crisis, environmental degradation, environmentalism, esoteric, esotericism, evolution, evolutionary science, experimental community, feminism, francisco varela, futurism, Gaia, gary snyder, gregory bateson, hazel henderson, human scale, human technology, humanism, James Lovelock, land community, land ethic, lewis mumford, lindisfarne, lynn margulis, marxism, Materialism, materialistic science, metaphysical, Metaphysics, mind and nature, mind in nature, modernism, Mysticism, natural environment, nature, New Age, new alchemy, new economy, nonviolence, nonviolent, pacificism, Philosophy, planetary culture, planetary science, planetary society, planetization, poetry, Political Economy, post-development, posthumanism, postmodernism, power, religion, Rocky Mountain, rocky mountain institute, schumacher, science, small-scale, social ecology, Socialism, soft science, spaceship earth, spiritual, spirituality, stewart brand, systems change, systems ecology, systems thinking, the commons, universal religions, wendell berry, whole earth catalog, whole-earth, William Blake, william irwin thompson, Zen Buddhism