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    A Thousand Shades of Ambiguity

    A Thousand Shades of Ambiguity


    Since Nov 22, 2008 21:44 UTC

    A Thousand Shades of Ambiguity Is an Independent Podcast Put together by Jeshi, Grihol, Orange, and Cake. Also considering who we are it’ll probably be funny It’s mostly a podcast about Nerdy stuff like Video games and technology and all that but topics can be anything thats interesting or funny to talk about. The catch is it’s interactive! anybody can be in it! there are many ways you can interact with A thousand Shade’s of Ambiguity! 1. Join us! send an MP3 where you say who you are(Real name or fake name, either is fine) your Skype name, Timezone, and why you should be in an episode to athousandshadesofambiguity@podOmatic.com and Most likely You’ll get an invite to be in Jeshi’s Contact list, which means next time we’re recording an episode if you’re on we’ll invite you to the episode(And possibly send you the info on when we’re gonna BE recording next :P)! and you can talk about stuff with us! 2.Give us something to air! Send anything in MP3 format to athousandshadesofambiguity@podOmatic.com and we’ll put it in the episode and talk about it! It can be ANYTHING, a song you made!(if it has copyrighted stuff in it we can only air 8 seconds of it so make sure it’s original) a question for us! a joke! anything! and we’ll put it on and maybe talk about it! 3. Submit a Topic! this can be done in 2 ways, one, send an MP3 to athousandshadesofambiguity@podOmatic.com where you say what the topic is! or comment on the most recent episode and say what your topic is, I read every comment so I won’t miss it! When you send in MP3’s make sure you ATTACH it to the eMail, or I won’t get the file. So tune in to our Ambiguity and enjoy it as we begin uploading episodes soon!


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