Practicalsaints Talk
ALL THINGS SUSTAINABLE AND BENEFICIAL – Season’s 1,2, and 3 are Practicalsaint Talks where kolee interviews leading experts in all areas regarding spirituality, sustainability, and mindful living practices as eternal Beings in bodies on planet earth 🙂 Season 4 name change to The Practicalsaints Talk Show as kolee n krew relocate to Seattle, Washington USA as a modern american family living as practicalsaints on planet earth. We care about the state of our global climate in allllll the areas like consumerism, fashion, waste, housing, food, transportation, energy, water, healthcare, and education. We support and advocate for modern sustainability so all Beings can actually live when we’re born on earth, instead of die. We continue talking to all kinds of people doing all kinds of beneficial and sustainable things and are happy to share our selves and lives and experiences with everyone here- as a practicalsaint family. We support modern sustainable living on planet earth, every dang day and we talk about our experiences here 🙂 ENJOYYYYYYYY 😉 xxxoo kolee n krew
Categories: Health & Fitness, Kids & Family, Society & Culture
Tags: advocate, ascend, awaken, consciousness, Empath, Equality, justice, now, parenting, positivity, power, purpose, Racism, Shaman, spirit, Unity