The Authentic Leader Show
I have found that when you are true to yourself and the people you lead, you are authentic in the way that you lead and as a result, create followers who want to follow you. Throughout my decades-long career, I have experienced good leaders who people want to follow because of the person they are and how they lead. Of course, I have also experienced bad leaders who lead through their authoritative title, intimation, and demands. I bet you have also experienced good and bad leaders. I have also been a good and a bad leader and have had to learn through trial and error, research, training, reading and other resources, what it takes to lead effectively. . . what it takes to lead authentically. Leading authentically is leading in a way that is true to yourself and the people you lead so that people want to authentically follow you. This show will provide content that will help you to learn leadership and management principles, high-performance tools, and, productivity tips.
Categories: Business
Tags: Authentic, authenticleader, leader, leadership, manage, Management