Raising Holy Sparks
Get that Judaism out of your head and into your hands! This year on the ‘Raising Holy Sparks’ podcast we will focus on Jewish ideas and we will be asking how we can live them out in a personal and meaningful way. We will strive to take the abstract and theoretical concepts of Judaism and turn them into the practical. Rabbi Misha Clebaner is a passionate educator of Judaism and Spirituality.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: barmitzvah, batmitzvah, Chanuka, Chanukah, chanukkah, conversion, hanuka, hanukah, Hanukkah, jewish, Judaism, musar, mussar, parshathashavua, parshathashavuah, roshhashanah, shabbat, siddur, tefilah, Tora, torah, weeklyparasha, weeklyparshah, yomkippur