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    Beautiful Reflections: Coaching for Career Women

    Beautiful Reflections: Coaching for Career Women


    Since Dec 23, 2020 02:15 UTC

    There is beauty in our voices. There is beauty in our stories. There is beauty in our journey. As ambitious career women, we’re on this lifelong personal growth journey to BE our best self and LIVE our best life. We desire to live purposefully, make a difference in the lives of others and have fulfillment. This journey is not easy. In fact it’s often difficult, messy and uncomfortable. Yet, there is beauty in it all when we are willing to be open, curious and explore what we SEE. In this podcast, I share my life stories, experiences, lessons and learnings. The real, honest and vulnerable TRUTH. The ups and downs, ebbs and flows in real time as I continue to walk the path and EVOLVE. In addition, I interview other courageous women also walking this journey and unpack their powerful stories. We go deep into the parts that are often hidden, unspoken or overlooked. Knowing that in these parts we find the pieces that ultimately help us to grow, heal and transform together. In doing this, we learn that we are not alone on this journey, we’re not crazy and our stories connect us in many ways. These Beautiful Reflections are a mirror of me and other A-MAZING women. I hope that these reflections inspire, encourage and empower you to SEE yourself and BELIEVE in YOU so that you can find your voice, reconnect with your personal power and THRIVE in your career and life.



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