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    Whole Healthy Mom Podcast

    Whole Healthy Mom Podcast


    Since Jun 3, 2019 17:00 UTC

    Creating a supportive space for moms to listen in on empowering conversations about all things pursuing more for yourself and how to do it, while being a present & happy mom. We talk mompreneur business, career, faith, God, big dreams, and mom-life. We don’t hold back on the realness of mom-life and always give you encouragement to live a more fulfilled life!
    Birthing babies. It leaves you open and vulnerable no matter how you do it. And you can have the most beautiful, planned out birth, yet STILL have emotional trauma because your whole world suddenly changes.In this episode of the Moms Pursuing More Podcast, we have a conversation with Lindsay Umlah, co-host of the Momgasm Podcast. We talk about her journey healing from a very unexpected trauma, after childbirth, and how her pleasure and passion did come back…but only after she gave herself time and space for herself to heal and her new life to unfold.Lindsay Umlah is a Multi-passionate Entrepreneur, Podcaster, and Mom of two from Halifax, Nova Scotia. Founder and Lead Coach of Loving Myself Loudly and co-founder of Momgasm Productions, she lives to support womxn and mothers in owning exactly who they are. Lindsay specializes in pleasure centred living, body love, self-confidence, self-connection, authentic living, and reclaiming sensuality. Part storyteller, part personal cheerleader, and lover of experiential learning. Her no BS approach paired with vibrant humour and vulnerability makes for deep life learning and lots of belly laughs. Catch her delivering weekly realness on The Momgasm Podcast! Hang With Lindsay:@momgasmpodcastListen to the Momgasm PodcastJoin her FREE Community: The Momgasm Den@lindsayumlahrhn Reserve your spot in the Lost To Loved Course:taylorbehringer.com/losttolovedcourse

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