A live series of four 30 min. talks, given at The Boathouse in the Co. Down village of Groomsport, Northern Ireland – from April to June, 2002. Produced in Belfast, Northern Ireland, by Raymond McCullough, (the former editor of Irish Christian magazine, ‘Bread’), who with his wife, Gerry, directs Kingdom Come Trust – based in Northern Ireland. Raymond is also director of media production company, Precious Oil Productions Ltd. These four talks focus on our being built and cemented together as a body in Christ. The body can only function effectively if we are held together by the bonds of peace and love, which bind us to one another. Introduced by: Kelly McCullough Music: ‘Ar tir seo aguinne (Our Land)’, from ‘The great China Bike Ride’, by Raymond McCullough: (available on iTunes) Produced in Northern Ireland by: Precious Oil Productions Ltd, for Kingdom Come Trust. [itunes pic]
Sailing together – the fourth and last talk in a 4-part series on our togetherness in the body of Christ. God has placed us together like the crew in a boat, or like soldiers in a dugout – to work together as a team, as a unit – in order that we may demolish the gates of hell and liberate the captives.
Followed by a testimony from Jimmy – a former heroin addict sharing a little of his background and also receiving prayer.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: another, bands, Body, bonds, Buddy, building, cell, christian, church, Come, coming, days, end, Household, inspiring, iosa, issa, Jesus, kingdom, Last, love, mentor, One, peace, religion, Second, sermon, spiritual, stones, talk, times, Together, Unity, y'shua, yeshua, yoke