Infinity Point Podcast
Post-Religion, Post-Education, Post-Indoctrination Are you ready to throw away the script placed in your hands at birth? Careful – a mind expanded will not shrink back to its original naïve state. Of course, if you are checking out a podcast in the Spirituality section of Podomatic that announces itself as being “Post-Religion, Post-Education, Post-Indoctrination”, then chances are you have already departed from the doctrine and dogma originally scripted for you at birth. Great. So, you are blazing the trail of self-education and tearing down the myths and fables that had blinded you from understanding your world. Did your family and friends go down that path with you? Probably not. It can be a lonely journey seeking truth – it always has been. Worse, if you are brave enough to open your mouth and engage people in conversation about your exciting new discoveries of how the world really works, they will ridicule, walk away, attack you, or just look at you dumbfounded. Just like in Plato’s “allegory of the cave” you are alone in your wisdom. How to cope? Hit Play – let’s find out together. [itunes pic]
Following self-help gurus into my own destruction. From Tony Robbins, to The Secret, T Harv Eker, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, and the rest. Reaping and sowing. Karma is perfect. Everyday is a holy day. Merry Christmas to all of you.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality