Morning High Five
by Crumb Haus
Since Nov 11, 2021 23:03 UTC
If you’ve ever laid in bed wondering how you were going to get up and do today, this podcast is for you.
I’m AJ Lund – storyteller, pep-talker, and routine-adverse entrepreneur. I know what it’s like to know you have the potential to do ALL THE THINGS but always feel like you’re falling short of your true potential.
Me and my co-host Mia are on a mission to fill your ear buds with inspiration, motivation, and maybe just a bit of tough love to help you acknowledge the majestic beast that you are and get into a routine that works for you. Along the way, I’ll bring in my sassy, successful entrepreneurial friends to drop some encouragement and advice to get you ready to kick today right in the biscuit!
So fill up your cup, fill up your lungs, because it’s time for your Morning High Five!
Categories: Business, Education
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