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  • Circle Time with Sarah and Cyd
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    Circle Time with Sarah and Cyd

    Circle Time with Sarah and Cyd


    Since Nov 29, 2019 17:04 UTC

    Hello, and welcome to Circle Time! We are Sarah and Cydney, dance educators from West Michigan. Our favorite way to start our classes each week is by doing circle time. We love the relationships that we are able to build with our students by going around the circle and taking turns answering questions. Some of the questions are silly and some have more depth, but either way we find connection and community through sharing our answers. We always have dancers wishing to spend more time in the circle, so we though that we would metaphorically scoot back, bring our questions to you, and make room for everyone to join through this podcast. Please visit our Instagram, @ocircletime , to participate in our weekly questions. Grab yourself a cup of coffee, and circle up!

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