Graduate Job Podcast
by Graduate Job Podcast: Weekly podcast with inspiring authors, coaches, recru
Since Sep 21, 2015 05:32 UTC
The goal of the Graduate Job Podcast is to help you achieve the graduate job of your dreams. Each week we speak to inspiring authors, coaches, graduate recruiters and entrepreneurs in the field of graduate recruitment, as they share their expert knowledge and advice. We cover all aspects of getting a graduate job, from internships and placements, to CV’s, online applications, interviews and assessment centres. Whether you are looking for a career in finance and banking, or wanting to work with a charity, the Graduate Job Podcast will help you every step of the way.
Categories: Business, Education
Tags: assessmentcentre, career, CareerAdvice, careerchoice, coverletter, cvs, employment, grads, graduateemployer, graduateinternship, graduatejob, graduatejobpodcast, graduateprogramme, graduaterecruitment, graduaterole, graduatescheme, groupexercise, internship, interviews, job, jobapplication, jobhunt, jobsearch, networking, placement, presentations, selfemployment, skills, student, telephoneinterview, universityjob, workexperience, workplacement
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