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    It’s All Been Done Before

    It’s All Been Done Before


    Since Dec 1, 2021 06:00 UTC

    What does it mean that it’s all been done before? Philip Pravda, founder and CEO of suitcafe.com having been in the retail clothing business in New York City for over 30 years changed course and went online in 2014. After having multiple luxury menswear shops on Madison and Fifth Avenue in New York City he dropped them all and brought his business to the internet. Was it a good move? How is this different than what his father, grandfather and great grandfather did generations before him in the clothing business? How has the business changed? Philip Pravda’s first episode of his podcast “It’s All Been Done Before” is actually him being interviewed only weeks ago on a local business radio show. Get to know who Philip is and what he has accomplished or not accomplished in his business career. How many people think that their idea cannot move forward because it’s already been done? Well, that may be so, but you could always find a route to do it differently or do it better in some way. As Philip says in this interview, he is in the same business as his ancestors, but he is doing it his way. Now that you have had a chance to get to know Phil, future episodes will be interviews and discussions with many of his friends, colleagues and customers from all walks of life and with different experiences in their work and family life. Learn how many of them got started and what changed and why. How they saw an opportunity or lost an opportunity for thinking it had already been done before. What gave them the spark to do it differently to overcome that feeling the task is too big. You may just see how you can create something and do it better or differently than what has already been done.Reach out: Phil Pravda’s social media:Insta: @suitcafeYouTube: @suitcafeFacebook: @suitcafecomTwitter: @philippravda @suit_cafe


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