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    Threads of Enlightenment

    Threads of Enlightenment


    Since Sep 16, 2020 05:00 UTC

    Threads of Enlightenment is a top-ranked personal development podcast that deals with the principles of self-development and growth. We interview people from all walks of life to discuss their journey of self-development and the principles they utilized to overcome their fears to achieve their desired outcome. We cover a wide range of topics from overcoming devastating illnesses, mental illnesses, anxiety, depression, ADHD, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, divorce, financial devastation, loss of family, weight loss, physical and psychological abuse, and many other issues that prevent the human spirit from becoming the best possible representative of itself. In other words, we celebrate the triumphal human spirit. Interviewed Jason Carter. Jason is a podcaster, author, husband, father, and entrepreneur who struggled for decades with depression and alcoholism before beginning the journey to recovery. In his new memoir, To Hell I Ride: When a Life Examined Became Worth Living (Lioncrest Publishing, Jan. 2022), he takes an unflinching look into the darkest corners of his past and how he found clarity—and ultimately redemption—on a reflective road trip from Texas to Telluride. Years ago, most people assumed Jason lived a normal, happy life. (And certainly, on the surface, this was true.) He had a remarkable wife, three great kids, and a spacious house near the country club. So, why was he engaging in suicidal ideation on his morning run? What no one realized was that, for 30 years, he had also lived with a combination of excessive drinking, deep-rooted insecurity, and depression that was taking a significant toll. That is, until one fateful therapy session. After discussing his thoughts of suicide with his psychiatrist, Jason was forced to address his drinking head-on and reevaluate the effect it was having on his mental health—and the trajectory of his life. That’s when he piled his family into their Suburban for a 17-hour road trip to Colorado, simultaneously taking a parallel journey down memory lane to confront the memories that had influenced his descent into despair. This time, he would choose to take a different path. In To Hell I Ride, Jason recounts how the insidious presence of alcohol crept into every fabric of his life, while also confronting personal demons that still haunt him today. Determined and darkly comedic, he bares it all with brutal honesty to dispel the taboo of speaking about alcoholism and empower others to know they are not alone in their struggle. Jason is the founder and president of Pilot/Runner Communications, specializing in creating meaningful communication strategies and connective content for VCs, startups, and early-stage companies. He holds a B.A. in English from Texas Christian University and attended a graduate screenwriting program at UCLA. Jason currently lives in San Antonio, Texas, with his wife and three kids. I encourage everyone to purchase his books, listen to his podcast, follow him, and be transformed by his insights. Everyone has a story, and this is his story. Below are the sites that house his work. https://www.thejasoncarter.com/ (https://www.thejasoncarter.com/) https://www.instagram.com/jdc_sa/?hl=en (https://www.instagram.com/jdc_sa/?hl=en) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChhIlrEZ7BjehujmNspXKIA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChhIlrEZ7BjehujmNspXKIA) https://www.tiktok.com/@thejasoncarter (https://www.tiktok.com/@thejasoncarter) https://www.facebook.com/jasondcarterSA (https://www.facebook.com/jasondcarterSA) https://anchor.fm/jason-d-carter (https://anchor.fm/jason-d-carter) https://twitter.com/thepilotrunner (https://twitter.com/thepilotrunner) https://www.pilotrunner.com/ (https://www.pilotrunner.com/) Visit our Threads of Enlightenment store: https://threads-of-enlightenment.myshopify.com/ (https://threads-of-enlightenment.myshopify.com/) We shop worldwide to find some of the highest-quality and some limited hard-to-find products online for you. We work closely with many suppliers to get the lowest prices. Enjoy our store!!!!!!.

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