Spilling the G&T: Rupauls Drag Race
Welcome to Spilling the G&T. A podcast where two professionals, a Performer and a Psychiatrist, break down each episode of Rupaul’s Drag Race and other popular culture topics. Be sure to expect entertainment, banter, and wit, with a key look into going deeper into performance technique and psychology. Always with fun. And always with a G&T. Hosted by Paulo (the performer), and Dr. Tom (the Psychiatrist).
Categories: TV & Film
Tags: boulet, bouletbrothers, drag, dragqueen, dragrace, dragraceuk, DRAGULA, gay, gt, Paulo, pauloandtom, queen, racechaser, racechasers, ruk, rupaul, rupaulsdrag, rupaulsdragrace, rupaulsdragraceuk, spillingthegandt, spillingthegt, spillingthet, spillinthegt, spillinthet