MBA News Digest Podcast
Are you ready to take your career and your graduate program to the next level? Want to learn what other graduate program managers from around the world are doing to take their programs to the next level? This podcast will help you learn proven strategies and tactics other program managers use to advance their programs. Rodney Alsup, founder of the MBA News Digest discusses curriculum management, program assessment, recruiting and enrollment, alumni relations, social media, social media marketing, content marketing and marketing strategies, bringing you the latest from graduate program thought leaders around the world. Learn how the most successful programs in the world are managing their programs and how you can model their proven strategies and tactics for your own graduate program. Rodney’s MBA News Digest podcast features interviews with program managers, faculty and influencers from the world of graduate business. The discussions revolve around their real world efforts, strategies and tactics, what works (and what doesn’t) and how you can model these insights for your own graduate program.
Categories: Education