Dice, Dice My Darling
Dice Dice My Darling is an actual play urban fantasy RPG podcast in two flavors: Of Coffee and Consequences is set in a fictional North Carolina town in the 1990s. Donnie (Randal), Ducky (Higgins), Emmett (Amelie), and Krystin (Fenella) are led by Game Master Nicole through the perilous realms of humans and fae. Gameplay is based on Monster of the Week by Evil Hat Productions, Powered by the Apocalypse. Goth Phase is set in a near-future world where shapeshifting vampires are real and everyone knows it. Alicia (Sugar), Ducky (Radu), Emmett (Sunshine), and Nicole (Angel) are led through Vampire 101 and beyond by Game Master Donnie. Gameplay is based on Donnie’s homebrew Vamps of Vegas game, a half-assed implementation of d20. WARNING! This show is for adults. Fairies steal kids and vampires eat them, and also we have potty mouths.
Tags: ddmdcast, dicedicemydarling, emmettdavenport, Episode, ladyattercop, Podcast, roleplayinggame, rpg