Journey With Deanna
This podcast is grounded in Palliative Care concepts. We explore topics and tools to create an amazing day amidst dying. My own insights and others’ that have something to say about dying well in this modern age, healing symptoms and supporting the people who are supporting our dying loved ones. May we bring peace and comfort to ourselves and to our communities.
This is one of the biggest questions I get, “how are death doulas and hospice different?” Or, “why would someone need an end of life doula when there is hospice?” Or, “are death doulas competing with hospice?” These are variations of the same question. Listen in as I give you a foundation of what role each plays.
Categories: Education
Tags: deathdoula, deathdoulapodcast, deathdoulatraining, endoflifedoula, freedeathdoulatraining, hospice, onlineendoflifedoula, PalliativeCare